LUXURY TRAVEL: Losinj Island, Croatia

LUXURY TRAVEL: Lošinj Island, Croatia

As I stepped foot on this beautiful island, I was struck by an invigorating fragrance. Medicinal herbs such as native pine, sage, myrtle, and laurel grow throughout the island, and an unique citrus-like scent lingers in the air. As I inhaled the fresh air into my lungs, I knew it was beneficial. In fact, I was actively encouraged throughout my stay to deeply inhale the air, swim in the warm crystal-clear sea and take walks in the forest.

Buy why is Lošinj Island so special?

Lošinj Island is considered the “Island of Vitality” with the healthiest air in Europe. The benefits of Lošinj Island are created by an almost ‘perfect storm’ of majestic pine forests, mineral-rich seawater and wind to create one of the most healing environments in the world.

The sea of Lošinj has an unusually high concentration of minerals, notably sodium, magnesium, calcium and iodine. The waters are generally warmer compared to other areas in the Adriatic and when combined with over 200 sunny days per year it creates a perfect breeding ground for a phenomenal 800 species of micro-plankton.

Lošinj was once a thriving seafaring hub, resulting in plants and herbs from across the globe being brought back to the island. These, and the indigenous flora, mean that today Losinj has over 1200 species of plants and herbs growing, with 230 of them considered medicinal.

Essential oils are constantly being released from the various plants and trees, and they attach to the water droplets in the atmosphere. Lošinj boasts a gentle Mediterranean climate and due to the warmer water temperature, the air is more evaporative and becomes saturated with healing droplets of essential oils, minerals, plankton and saline.


To really help create the ‘healthiest air’ Lošinj has its own natural delivery system.

Losinj is situated in the protected elbow of the Kvarner gulf in northern Croatia. The island’s long, slender shape allows winds to blow across without obstruction creating movement and Aleppo Pines grow tall and skinny with fluffy canopies creating an almost ‘greenhouse’ effect keeping the healing aerosols low to the ground.

An important figure in Lošinj’s history is the 19th-century Croatian botanist and researcher, Ambroz Haračić. He understood the importance of the healing mineral-rich sea aerosols and that they could be made even more beneficial with the addition of pine trees and their powerful terpenes. In 1887 Haračić established the Association for the Afforestation of Losinj and over 80 thousand Aleppo and Scots pines were planted around the island.

With 2,600 hours of sunshine every year, Lošinj, historically was a winter destination. The island became a popular health resort and playground for tourists including Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz-Joseph I who was lured to the island after Haračić declared it to have the healthiest climate in his empire.

For more than 135 years Lošinj has attracted travellers for its beneficial health tourism. The first hotel on the island was built in 1887 to cater for the growing number of health tourists visiting the island. The island was officially ordained a healing island by the ministry Austro-Hungarian government, which governed this area, in 1892.

Building on what Haračić knew in the 19th Century, research and development continue to this day regarding the importance and significance of the air quality of Lošinj. Recent studies concluded that ‘the natural healing factors have a statistically significant effect on breathing in patients with obstructive respiratory diseases’.

Today researchers are united in a ‘common goal to emphasise Lošinj’s unique climatological and biological characteristics and that natural healing factors are used to improve and maintain visitors’ health’.

The Luxury Travel Bible says… As a modern destination for health tourism and environmental awareness, Lošinj Island is a hidden gem and one that should be celebrated.

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Sarah Bryans 17/07/2024

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
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