LUXURY LOVES... Where I'd Rather Be

LUXURY LOVES... Where i'd rather Be
TODAY it might be raining and cold, but my umbrella is taking me to sunnier climes (not literally, I’m not Mary Poppins!). 

Umbrellas aren’t the most interesting or stylish of items - normally featuring garish designs or dull colours but the ‘Where I’d rather’ be range of umbrellas can brighten up the dullest of days.

The Luxury Travel Bible loves the collection which features a range of digitally printed high quality designs that will transport you from the rainy streets to tropical islands or sandy beaches or jungle scenes.

TLTB was also impressed with the design of the umbrella. It has withstood a number of strong rain showers, is quick drying and is compact and light enough to transport in hand luggage.

Question is … where do you want to escape to? 

Luxury Link: 
Where I’d Rather Be umbrellas retail at £29.99 (classic) and £27.99 (folding).

Sarah Bryans 5/3/15
Find what brings you joy and go there.
Jan Phillips
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