LUXURY TRAVEL: Travel Nostalgia


It’s time for a little nostalgia.

The Luxury Travel Bible has always believed that the greatest education a child can receive is through travel. So it’s no surprise that in a recent survey nine in ten (91 percent) Brits feel nostalgic when they think back to their childhood holidays, with as many as 94 percent agreeing trips as a child were some of the best of their lives. The impact and influence of childhood holidays remains throughout our lifetimes.

The research from Crystal Ski Holidays, found two thirds (60 percent) have tried to recreate their favourite childhood holidays with their own children, with nine in ten taking their kids to the same holiday places they went to as a child.

Over half (55 percent) feel grateful to their parents for taking them on holiday when they were young, with a further 40 percent admitting that they still talk about the fun times they  had on childhood holidays now.

93 percent of those asked said that they smile and laugh when they look back at old photos from childhood holidays, with 51 percent admitting that they make them nostalgic for simpler times. 

Four in ten (40 percent) think that childhood holidays open your eyes to the world, while 36 percent believe they set up a lifelong desire to travel the world.
Despite 88 percent thinking that social media has put pressure on family holidays to be perfect, nine in ten (88 percent) agree that going on holiday is one of the only times they can truly relax. A further 60 percent say it is the only time they are truly happy. 

Chris Logan, managing director at Crystal Ski Holidays said, 'This research demonstrates the resounding importance the nation places on family holidays and the sentimental value they hold. Family holidays are all about the memories and experiences you share together’.

Psychologist Dr Becky Spelman comments: 'One of the reasons why happy childhood memories of holidays feel so good is that they trigger the production of feel-good hormones like serotonin in the brain. But serotonin does more than just help us to feel good; it also fosters good physical and mental health and can contribute to long-lasting positive impacts on our general well-being'.


1. Being allowed to stay up late - 32%
2. Buying postcards to send to friends and family - 26%
3. Playing cards when the weather was bad - 25%
4. The plane taking off at the start of your holiday - 22%
5. Going out for a late dinner with your family - 22%
6. Taking photos using a disposable camera - 22%
7. Hotel breakfast buffets - 20%
8. The first crunch of snow under your feet on a ski trip - 17%
9. Going to local restaurants - 17%
10. Going away with a big group of friends and their families - 16%
11. Getting tan lines - 15%
12. Having a small sip of your parent’s wine - 14%
13. Drinking a hot chocolate on the side of the ski slope - 14%
14. Eating fresh croissants in the morning - 14%
15. Getting lost while driving in the car - 14%
16. Getting to the pool early to bag the best seats - 13%
17. Bringing a huge stack of books to read - 13%
18. Watching your skis dangle from the chairlift - 13%
19. Laughing at your parents trying to speak the local language - 11%
20. Struggling to pitch your tent - 10%

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Posted 05/04/2024
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