Supersonic Private Jet

FUTURE LUXE: Supersonic Private Jet
Remember the excitement of Concorde?  Flying from London to New York in no time, breaking the sound barrier - oh the glamour, the excitement. Even if inside Concorde was about the size of a cigar tube.

The Luxury Travel Bible Supersonic Private Jet

Well one engineering firm may be bring sexy supersonic back. BA grounded Concorde in 2003 but there is still hope a lucky few will fly the Atlantic at super-speed once more.
Boston-based engineering firm Spike Aerospace has plans to develop Spike S-512, a 12-18 seater supersonic private jet they say is capable of flying from New York to London in under four hours - that's about half the time taken by current commercial flights.

The Luxury Travel Bible Supersonic Private Jet

Your average commercial jet flies at Mach 0.85 (567mph) and Spike S-512 is predicted to reach speeds of Mach 1.6-1.8 (1,060-1,200mph) - satisfyingly breaking the sound barrier as sound, we are reliably informed, travels at a speed of about 768mph at sea level.
America's Federal Aviation Administration currently prohibits supersonic flight over land so you may just have to head away from New York and towards a private tropical island instead.

The Luxury Travel Bible Supersonic Private Jet

The aircraft is scheduled to take off in late 2018. If you want to place an order now expect to pay up to $80million (£49million)
In the jet stream of Spike is HyperMach Aerospace who claim their plane, SonicStar when perfected could travel from London to Sydney in an afternoon - but you'll have to wait until 2025 for a ride.

The Luxury Travel Bible Supersonic Private Jet

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Laurence D'Anonn, 4/9/14

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
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