Sands SkyPark

FUTURE LUXE: Sands SkyPark

Sometimes we wake up and find that the future is already here. The Sands SkyPark, soon to open in Singapore, is one such example. This awe-inspiring space, designed by visionary architect Moshe Safdie, floats on top of the three soaring towers of the new Marina Bay Sands hotel, a staggering 656 feet (200 metres) up in the sky.

It is certainly a gravity-defying wonder and the cantilever, one of the largest of its kind in the world, will have structural engineers the world over frothing at the mouth. It looks pretty cool too.

It is definitely a George Jetson fantasy and we feel we should really arrive by hover-jet to appreciate the landscaped gardens that are home to 250 types of trees and 650 types of plants and the iridescent swimming pool which links across the span of the three hotel towers with an infinity edge which overlooks the city.

There are also rooftop restaurants and lounges, in the vast 40,682 square feet (12,400 square metres) of space. Sands SkyPark are throwing out some impressive comparisons. For example, the park apparently stretches further than the Eiffel tower laid down. Or if that doesn't blow your mind, try this; it is also as long as four and a half A380 Jumbo Jets and can take up to 3900 people before it even looks vaguely crowded. For those who don't suffer overly from vertigo there is a dedicated observation deck so that several hundred at a time can feast their eyes on "the unforgettable panorama view". For once that over-used phrase sounds like an understatement.

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Hilary Doling 22/4/10

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
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