Martin Jetpack

FUTURE LUXE: Martin Jetpack
Forget plane travel, we've just seen the future...
If you thought flying to work in a private jet was the domain of multi-millionaires, think again. You may soon be able to arrive at work James Bond-style using your own private jetpack thanks to the work of some rather innovative engineering by New Zealand's Martin Aircraft Company. The Kiwi engineers have pioneered a record-breaking prototype for a jetpack that can fly for half an hour, cruise at 100kph (62mph) and reach an altitude of up to 5,000 feet (1,524 metres) before landing safely using a parachute.
Currently the jetpack has obtained interest from the military, but us regular folk will have to wait a bit longer before we can make our dreams of blasting off to work a reality. The landing needs a bit of work before The Luxury Travel Bible are willing to jet off anyway...
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Nella Scott, 3/6/11

When you come to a fork in the road - take it.
Yogi Berra
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