
FUTURE LUXE: Infinitas - To Infinity and Beyond
First they served up Oculus, a yacht that looks somewhere between an open-mouth dolphin and a hungry shark. Their latest is Audax, which could be shorthand for audacious as it takes tuna fishing into a new stratosphere with a few jet ski-type 'toys' stored just-in-case. US-based Schopfer Yachts is barely two years old, yet it is has already cruised into the limelight with its uber-cool concept designs.
The Luxury Travel Bible is hopelessly goo-ey eyed over the second design up Schopfer's sleeve - 'Infinitas'. With a nose like a porpoise and sides shaped like an infinity symbol we can't stop gawking at the wood-lined interiors that marry minimalism with oodles of water in an o-shape pool (it can be covered for partying) and top-deck spa. Part of the new luxe green movement it is capable of powering along at 20 knots on diesel electric. There's also a helipad for blow-ins and quick escapes. But with one owner and six guest suites, we figure Infinitas is pretty much its own good-to-go pleasure zone.
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Prue Rushton, 19/4/10
Ones destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.
Henry Miller
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