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PRIVATE LUXURY: South Point Villa, Galle, Sri Lanka

Our Villa, as the name implies, is situated on South Point about 20 kms south of Galle. As I sit here penning this note I am watching a lone fisherman with his net about 100 meters off the shore catching fish which the Chef here has already agreed to cook for us tonight. The waves crash right to our doorstep and if we tire of the sea we can use our very own private pool. At night we sit on the deck eating what can only be described as magnificent Sri Lankan food (and simple Australian food for my fussy children) and watch the fireflies and listen to the ocean. This particular Villa has 3 large bedrooms all with ensuite; it is described as a luxury Villa which in Sri Lanka means it has fresh hot water for showers and a generator which is not a luxury but a necessity as the Electricity Supply in Sri Lanka is unreliable. Though it is charming at night when you eat by candle light and you wait for the generator to kick in. The House is very well equipped with all the modern conveniences; and lots of relaxing areas to just soak up the sounds and sights of the ocean.

south point villa
master bedroom
vila deck
stick fishermen

My husband (a photographer) and I decided that Sri Lanka would be a fabulous country to introduce our 12 and 8 year old children to based on the recommendations of a fellow photographer who had recently toured the country. We were advised that tourism was picking up after the cessation of all the fighting and that the countryside and people were very welcoming. Sri Lanka has also developed like many other Asian countries the fabulous tradition of Private Villas. We love the private villa experience because it is like being in your own personal hotel; you have all the comforts of a hotel with absolute privacy.

From our Villa we can explore the surrounding area using the local Tuk Tuk or arrange a car and driver. Some 15 mins by Tuk Tuk is the gorgeous Welligama Bay where my husband and son are surfing most mornings and afternoons. Here too the local fisherman are in their dozens and many are the traditional Stick Fisherman of Sri Lanka. The people are welcoming and the cultural exposure was exactly what we wanted as a family. The poverty is confronting as the country does struggle in parts to come to terms with the rebuilding after the war and the Tsunami; though this is not evident in the happiness and laughter that the Sri Lankan people offer every day.

South Point Villa is a wonderful place and the staff ; which include a Private Chef, Two indoor house staff and three external staff. All the staff go out of their way to make you welcome and are there when ever you need but are discrete when you want to truly revel in your Private Luxury Villa.
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Club Exclusive member Toni Brendish shares a family villa experience with The Luxury Travel Bible, 18/10/10
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Villa Deck and Stick Fisherman photos: Courtesy of Mark Baker
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