I Never Travel Without...

I Never Travel Without...

When you are clocking up the miles and jumping on and off planes as much this elite group you quickly learn the things you need in your luggage (and also what you can live without).
Whenever we interview travel experts The Luxury Travel Bible always asks 'What do you never travel without?'. Here are some of our favourite answers...

Charley Boorman, Adventurer and bestselling author

Baby wipes, a decent tent and a decent sleeping bag. Spend your money on a sleeping bag and a tent. If you are dry and comfortable then all the shit and all the crap doesn't matter! It will all still be there in the morning but at least you will be refreshed.

 Read Charley Boorman's Open Passport

Simon Reeve, Adventurer and bestselling author

Torch, notebook and lots to read.

Read Simon Reeve's Open Passport

Niki Leodanis - COO & President of Kimpton Hotels

Collapsible running shoes, lavender scented sanitizing towelettes and a lightweight cashmere wrap for the airplane that doubles as a scarf.

Read Niki Leodanis' EXPERT OPINION
Geoffrey KentGeoffrey Kent, Founder, Chairman & CEO of the Abercrombie & Kent Group of Companies

A blackberry and i-pad to stay in touch with our offices around the world. My briefcase, a Louis Vuitton President Classeur. And a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T9 digital camera to take pictures of ideas I want to share with our staff. I'm never without a bottle of Tabasco sauce and truffle olive oil - they make everything taste so good!

Read Geoffrey Kent's EXPERT OPINION

Mark A. Edelson, President and CEO, Alila Hotels & Resorts

I never travel without my laptop computer and my mobile phone to keep me connected and a change of underwear. Everything else I can probably do without!

Read Mark A Edleson's Expert Opinion

Phil Keoghan, presenter of 'The Amazing Race'

A good book, my laptop, Moleskin diary, pencils, sunscreen, digital camera, cell phone, sun glasses, wallet.

Read Phil Keoghan's Open Passport

Dave Varty, conservationist and  owner, Londolozi   Game Lodge, South Africa

An air ticket and a credit card that works (I only need two things).
Read Dave Varty's Expert Opinion

Mr & Mrs SmithJames Lohan & Tamara Heber-Percy, Co-founders Mr & Mrs Smith

James - Sunglasses, iPod, and freshly ironed shirt
Tamara - My new iPad, cashmere wrap and a DVF dress I can dress up or down in.

Read James Lohan and Tamara Heber-Percy's EXPERT OPINION

Gordon Campbell GrayGordon Campbell Gray, founder of Campbell Gray Hotels

Earplugs, a book and my entourage (just kidding !)

Read Gordon Campbell Gray's EXPERT OPINION

Paul KerrPaul Kerr, CEO Small Luxury Hotels of the World

I have one thing that I doubt anyone else has said before for this question. Apart from the usual iPhone and gym kit (I always try to go when I am travelling) I always take with me a sleep machine for my sleep apnea. I can never travel without it. It always goes in my hand luggage and I always reserved seat 62K/J when flying long haul so I can set up my machine without it disturbing anyone or getting in the way.


Richard BransonSir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin

Apart from my wife, my passport, blackberry and wallet. Although I have been known to forget my passport on the odd occasion!

Read Sir Richard Branson's EXPERT OPINION

Stephen BrandmanStephen Brandman, Co-founder, Thompson Hotels

My carry on luggage - haven't checked a bag in over 10 years.

Enzymes and probiotics because who knows what you are eating sometimes.

My Mac so I can Ichat anywhere in the world 

Read Stephen Brandman's EXPERT OPINION
Kit Kemp, Co-founder Firmdale Hotels
Bikini, John Frieda Frizz Ease and Blackberry

Sonu Shivadani Sonu Shivdasani, founder Six Senses Group

A Compass - I like to sleep with my head to the north.

A tape-measure - sometimes if the proportion of a room or space inspires me, I like to measure it.

A magnet - I believe that if you place a magnet on your head for ten minutes before landing and ten minutes afterwards, that it relieves most of the symptoms of jet-lag.

Read Sonu Shivdasani's EXPERT OPINION

James BaillieJames Baillie, co-founder of Baillie Lodges

Eye Mask (from a recent Emirates flight), notebook for ideas and sadly my Blackberry!
Read James Baillie's EXPERT OPINION

So, next time you see the best in the business sitting across from you in first class you'll know exactly what they are hiding in their carry-on.
Posted 12/5/12
I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Oscar Wilde
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