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X2 Resorts
X2 Resorts
The Group: X2 Resorts (pronounced Cross To) are a group of privately owned boutique five star hotels across Thailand. The watchwords for these resorts are, 'Soulfulness and Tranquillity, Freedom and Simplicity' - which sounds good to us. X2 Resorts are villa-style resorts all with a unique personality. All of the resorts are built to compliment the natural beauty of the location. To achieve this the design of all X2 resorts exhibits the characteristics of "Simplicity in style, invisibility of design, privacy without isolation".
The List: X2 Kui Buri, X2 Samui, X2 Rayong. Private residences at each resort are also available for purchase and owners will have access to the adjoining X2 Resort.
Anthony and Kaewjai McDonald
Anthony and Kaewjai McDonald, Creators of X2 Resorts


The Creators: X2 Resorts is the passion of Anthony and Kaewjai McDonald. Kaewiai is Thai and after fifteen years Anthony is fluent in the language so they bring a love of the country as well as years of experience in property investment and the service industry to their resorts. They passionately believe in innovative design and a spirit of place.
New Hotels: X2 Koh Kood, to open in late 2010.
Luxury Links: www.x2resorts.com


x2 rayong resort
x2 rayong resort
x2 samui dining area
x2 kuiburi suite
x2 kuiburi bar
x2 kui buri pool

Sarah Bryans 28/4/10
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qoute I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list.
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