Top Ten Luxury
The Royal Scotsman, Scotland

The Royal Scotsman takes a just a wee number of privileged guests - 36 to be exact - in its private mahogany-walled Edwardian cabins. Two opulent dining cars and an observation carriage lie each end of the sleeping cars. In the Observation Car are well upholstered sofas and side tables just perfect for your malt whisky, this is a Scottish journey after all. The whole thing has the atmosphere of a gentleman's club. Guests do tend to dress up for dinner but kilts are not required. When you're ready for shut-eye, the train pulls over for the night so its well-heeled, well fed guests don't get jostled about in the night by anything as unrefined as dodgy rails. The train winds regally into the highlands past lochs, glens and mountain peaks; you sit in state aboard the train feeling like the monarch of the glen.

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The clubby feel.
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I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Oscar Wilde
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