Top Ten Luxury

A flour mill since 1520, the original structure of the Gerbermuehle was rebuilt in the following century by a wealthy banker. The lobby features exposed beams and mezzanines that suggest a stylized version of the innards of a massive skyscraper, while the bar features old stone walls and riveted leather furniture. The house's old postbeam construction is never hidden, but is painted to match various rooms' colour schemes, in a nod to sleek contemporaneity. In summertime the action is outside, in a 500-seat garden with elaborate tents that provides an idyllic outdoor gathering spot to while away a Frankfurt day.

Architect: Mr. Jochem Jourdan
Interior Design: Mrs. Oana Rosen

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Enjoying a relaxing lunch in the Summer Garden with the locals.
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qoute I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
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