The Luxury Travel Bible hasn't wet-tested the iPad, so here is one of our favourite testing grounds. Hiding away high on the bluffs of Northern Greece, Danai Beach Resort dishes a variety of water experiences - first there is the ocean beach below, the pool villas up above and even an indoor pool inside the recently revamped spa and wellness centre that has just introduced Gertraud Gruber products and methods. Being allergic to instructions The Luxury Travel Bible hasn't yet bothered to check with Apple, andis merely hoping that the iPad is splashproof as catching up on reading while lazing poolside is a not disagreeable pastime - especially here in the forever blue, spilling into ocean blue view. With Danai's iPad offering loaded with your choice of daily newspapers and online magazines, our next best reading location can be found in the open cabana style lounge where a long white banquette is backed up against a sandstone wall, curtains dripping around and above - you get the picture?